The goat gestation is a short 5 months but setting up your doe for a successful pregnancy, birth, and lactation is important. The first part of that is knowing when your goat may be delivering. We hear from many farmers that finding those dates can be tricky. You can use software like Farmbrite to help you calculate those numbers but since we know how important this information is here is a helpful free calculator to take out the guesswork of finding the gestation dates of your herd.
We've also put together some basics on goat gestation and a helpful goat gestation calculator to help you estimate when your doe might be expecting.
How long does a goat's pregnancy last?

The gestation period (length of pregnancy) for goats on average is 150 days for standard breeds and about 145 days for miniature breeds, however, the time for your dow to kid does vary based on the breed, environment, litter weight and size, parity and other factors.
While the average gestation period is 150 days, kidding can typically happen between 145 and 150 days, with miniature breeds delivering earlier. Litter size has a significant impact to the gestation period. Larger litters typically mean a shorter gestation period. The litter size was significantly greater in animals who were repeat mothers compared to those in their first pregnancy.
Studies show that the first pregnancy does typically give one or two kids. Later, goats can deliver three or four (and up to 5 or 6 on rare occasions). We recommend always consulting with your local vet throughout your goat's pregnancy to ensure the best health of both the mother and the kids.
Goat Gestation Calculator
The goat gestation calculator will help you estimate the kidding date (due date) for your goat.
How to use the goat gestation calculator?
To use the goat gestation calculator you’ll need to:
Select the breed type (Standard or Miniature)
Select the breeding date of your doe
The goat gestation calculator will provide you with the estimated kidding date.
To accurately calculate the expected due date for your goats it's important to keep detailed and accurate records about when your does may have been exposed to a buck, artificially insemination or had a confirmed pregnancy through an ultrasound. Learn more about keeping livestock records.
How is the goat kidding date or due date calculated?
As we mentioned above, the average gestation for most breeds is 150 days, although it may last anywhere from 145 to 150 days.
The goat gestation calculator uses the following formula:
Kidding date = Day when doe was exposed to a buck or AI + (150 days or 145 days, depending on breed selection)
There are many things to consider during goat gestation and when you get to kidding season. Paying close attention to your goat's needs during this time is important. They may have additional nutritional requirements, energy changes, and changes in body condition scoring.
Feeding forage lower in protein and higher in calcium at key points in a doe's gestation and lactation will set up the doe, the kid, and you for a successful pregnancy and lactation.
Check out our post on body condition scoring (BCS) so you can optimize the health of your herd.
Written by our staff at Farmbrite. Goat lovers unite.